Saturday, February 13, 2010

pouring tea

come join us at the victoria tea festival.
we are pouring tea. lotsa new tea.

like TIGERTEA. our new blend to celebrate Chinese New Year.

we are also celebrating having completed the tasting cups for the festival.

come taste the pleasure.

we will be closed at the farm on saturday and sunday.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

up close

we have become intimately connected to the tasting cups we are creating for the victoria tea festival this weekend. the process is multi faceted. at this point the cups are brushed with a green oxide over the stampings. the oxide dries and then the excess is rubbed off leaving some in the imprint... many many times.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


what you are looking at are the bottoms of the tasting cups that have been individually inscribed with a number in a series of 800. the clay is drying and the number will be scraped to remove the excess clay.

the cups hold a beautifully imperfect shape that makes each sip unique!